Browsing by Subject ITFCL035

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ITFCL002-25.pdf.jpg6-Dec-2012Analysis of Frame using Applied Element Method (AEM)Gohel, Vikas; Patel, Paresh V.; Joshi, Digesh D.
ITFCL035-6.pdf.jpgOct-2014Applied Element Method : Evolution and ApplicationsJoshi, Digesh D.; Patel, Paresh V.
ITFCL035-8.pdf.jpgDec-2014Behavior Of Wet Precast Beam Column Connections Under Progressive Collapse Scenario: An Experimental StudyNimse, Rohit B.; Joshi, Digesh D.; Patel, Paresh V.
ITFCL002-37.pdf.jpg20-Sep-2015Behaviour of Precast Portal Frame Constructed With Wet Connections: An Experimental StudyPatel, Paresh V.; Joshi, Digesh D.
ITFCL035-9.pdf.jpg2015Experimental Evaluation of Performance of Dry Precast Beam Column ConnectionNaik, Chintan B.; Joshi, Digesh D.; Patel, Paresh V.
ITFCL035-2.pdf.jpg28-Nov-2013Experimental Investigation of RC Beam-Column Assemblies under Column Removal ScenarioParmar, Gaurav; Joshi, Digesh D.; Patel, Paresh V.
ITFCL035-4.pdf.jpg20-Dec-2013Experimental Study On Behaviour Of Precast Beam Column ConnectionKolsawala, Murtaza; Bapodara, Mayur; Sakariya, Kishan; Bohra, Bhawin; Joshi, Digesh D.; Patel, Paresh V.
ITFCL035-10.pdf.jpg23-Apr-2015Experimental Study on Precast Beam Column Connections Constructed Using RC Corbel and Steel Billet under Progressive Collapse ScenarioNimse, Rohit B.; Joshi, Digesh D.; Patel, Paresh V.
ITFCL035-7.pdf.jpg9-Nov-2014An Experimental Study to Evaluate Performance of Wet Precast Beam Column ConnectionsJoshi, Digesh D.; Patel, Paresh V.
ITFCL035-5.pdf.jpg6-Feb-2014Linear and Nonlinear DynamicAnalysis For Progressive Collapse Evaluation of Asymmetrical RC BuildingJoshi, Digesh D.; Patel, Paresh V.
ITFCL035-3.pdf.jpg2010Linear and Nonlinear Static Analysis for Assessment of Progressive Collapse Potential of Multistoried BuildingJoshi, Digesh D.; Patel, Paresh V.; Tank, Saumil J.
ITFCL035-1.pdf.jpg25-Nov-2009Linear and Nonlinear Static Analysis to Assess Progressive Collapse Potential of Framed BuildingTank, Saumil J.; Joshi, Digesh D.; Patel, P. V.
ITFCL002-36.pdf.jpg10-Dec-2012Linear Static Analysis of Two Dimensional Structure using Applied ElementPatel, Paresh V.; Joshi, Digesh D.
ITFCL002-32.pdf.jpg2012Progressive Collapse Analysis of Asymmetrical R. C. Building Using Linear Static and Dynamic AnalysisJoshi, Digesh D.; Patel, Paresh V.
ITFCL002-33.pdf.jpg2012Static Analysis of beam Using Applied Element MethodGohel, Vikas; Patel, Paresh V.; Joshi, Digesh D.
TT000063.pdf.jpg2018Study of the Behaviour of Precast Connections under Progressive Collapse ScenarioJoshi, Digesh Dilipkumar
ITFCL002-24.pdf.jpg29-Mar-2012Various Approaches for Mitigating Progressive Collapse of Asymmetrical RC BuildingPatel, Paresh V.; Joshi, Digesh D.