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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ITFIT004-14.pdf.jpg19-Nov-2010Analysis of Multiagent Based Interactive Grid Using Formal Methods - A Reliable ApproachBhavsar, Madhuri
ITFIT004-3.pdf.jpg9-Dec-2010Analyzing Cloud Possibilities and LimitationsRevar, Ashish; Bhavsar, Madhuri
ITFIT002-9.pdf.jpg2015Analyzing the Performance of Centralized Clustering Techniques for Realistic Wireless Sensor Network TopologiesRaval, Gaurang; Bhavsar, Madhuri; Patel, Nitin
ITFIT004-1.pdf.jpg2006Anatomy of Experimental Computational Grid and Elevated Research IssuesBhavsar, Madhuri; Pradhan, S. N.
ITFIT004-19.pdf.jpgJun-2011Classification of Weather Indices on Secured Computational GridBhavsar, Madhuri; Singh, Anupam; Pradhan, S. N.
ITFIT004-10.pdf.jpg22-Feb-2008Computational Load Management in Grid Application – A Dynamic PerspectivePurohit, Kartik; Bhavsar, Madhuri
ITFIT004-16.pdf.jpg14-Jan-2016Design of Efficient Algorithm for Secured Key Exchange over Cloud ComputingGadhavi, Lata; Bhavsar, Madhuri; Bhatnagar, Monica; Vasoya, Shivani
ITFIT004-5.pdf.jpg9-Dec-2010Development of QoS based Scheduling Algorithm in the Grid EnvironmentPatel, Sanjay; Bhavsar, Madhuri
ITFIT004-15.pdf.jpgJan-2011Development of QoS based User Driven Scheduler Design and Result AnalysisPatel, Sanjay; Bhavsar, Madhuri
ITFIT004-17.pdf.jpgApr-2016Effective Resource Utilization using Software Defined Networking based Load Balancer for Minimizing Request Service TimeBhatia, Jitendra; Patel, Prakash; Bhavsar, Madhuri
ITFIT002-13.pdf.jpg30-May-2016Enhancing Data Delivery with Density Controlled Clustering in Wireless Sensor NetworksRaval, Gaurang; Bhavsar, Madhuri; Patel, Nitin
ITFIT004-4.pdf.jpg9-Dec-2010Handling Complex Use Scenarios for Selection of Best ResourcesGadhavi, Lata; Bhavsar, Madhuri
ITFIT002-12.pdf.jpgMar-2015Improving Energy Estimation based Clustering with Energy Threshold for Wireless Sensor NetworksRaval, Gaurang; Bhavsar, Madhuri
ITFIT004-22.pdf.jpgJan-2014Live Virtual Machine Migration Techniques in Cloud Computing: A SurveyPatel, Pradip; Karamta, Miren; Bhavsar, Madhuri; Potdar, M. B.
ITFIT004-7.pdf.jpgOct-2010Load Balancing in Grid Environment using Machine Learning - Innovative ApproachRevar, Ashish; Andhariya, Malay; Sutariya, Dharmendra; Bhavsar, Madhuri
ITFIT004-24.pdf.jpgSep-2015Model based Robust Peak Detection Algorithm of Radiation Pulse Shape using Limited SamplesChhajed, Rajendra; Purohit, Himanshu; Bhavsar, Madhuri
ITFIT004-23.pdf.jpg2013NCloud - Experimenting with Architecting and Facilitating Utility Services for Establishing Educational CloudBhavsar, Madhuri; Bhavsar, Archana
ITFIT004-20.pdf.jpgJun-2011NGSched - An Efficient Scheduling Algorithm Handling Interactive Jobs in Grid EnvironmentBhavsar, Madhuri; Pradhan, S. N.
ITFIT002-10.pdf.jpgNov-2013Optimization of Clustering Techniques using Energy Thresholds in Wireless Sensor NetworksRaval, Gaurang; Shah, Abhinav; Bhavsar, Madhuri
ITFIT004-9.pdf.jpgAug-2008Performance Assessment of Computational Grid on Weather Indices from HOAPS DataBhavsar, Madhuri; Singh, A K.; Pradhan, S.N.