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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ITFEC005-11.pdf.jpg19-Dec-2007Analysis of Focal Region Field of the Offset- Parabolic Reflector for Space-borne RadiometersPujara, D. A.; Chakrabarty, S. B.; Sharma, S. B.
ITFEC005-17.pdf.jpgJul-2012Cancellation of High Cross-Polarization of an Offset Parabolic Reflector Antenna using a Rectangular Matched FeedPujara, D. A.; Chakrabarty, S. B.
ITFEC005-10.pdf.jpg11-Jul-2010Computation of Cross-Polarization Radiated by an Elliptical Feed HornPujara, D. A.; Sharma, S. B.; Chakrabarty, S. B.
ITFEC005-1.pdf.jpg2009Design and Development of a Conjugate Matched Feed for an Offset Parabolic Reflector AntennaSharma, S. B.; Pujara, D. A.; Chakrabarty, S. B.; Dey, R.; Singh, V. K.
ITFEC005-9.pdf.jpgJan-2010Design and Development of a Conjugate Matched Feed for an Offset Parabolic Reflector AntennaSharma, S. B.; Pujara, D. A.; Chakrabarty, S. B.
ITFEC005-3.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2009Design of a Novel Corrugated Matched Feed For an Offset Parabolic Reflector AntennaPujara, D. A.; Sharma, S. B.; Chakrabarty, S. B.; Dey, R.; Singh, V. K.
ITFEC005-12.pdf.jpg16-Dec-2009Design of a Special Feed for an Offset Parabolic Reflector Antenna with Wide Cross-pol Suppression BandwidthPujara, D. A.; Chakrabarty, S. B.; Sharma, S. B.
ITFEC005-13.pdf.jpgJun-2011Historical and Planned Uses of Antenna Technology for Space-Borne Microwave RadiometersPujara, D. A.; Sharma, S. B.; Chakrabarty, S. B.
ITFEC005-8.pdf.jpg2009Improving the Beam efficiency of an off- Set Parabolic Reflector Antenna for Space- Borne Radiometric ApplicationsPujara, D. A.; Sharma, S. B.; Chakrabarty, S. B.
ITFEC005-2.pdf.jpg5-Jul-2008Performance Comparison of a Matched Feed Horn with a Potter Feed Horn for an Offset Parabolic ReflectorSharma, S. B.; Pujara, D. A.; Chakrabarty, S. B.; Singh, V. K.
ITFEC005-4.pdf.jpgNov-2008Tri-Mode Horn Array fed Multiple-Beam Offset Reflector Antenna with Low Cross-Polarization and Improved Side lobesPujara, D. A.; Chakrabarty, S. B.; Dey, Ranajit; Agnihotri, Iia; Sharma, S. B.