Browsing by Author Purandhar, Kaveri

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
62.pdf.jpg20-Sep-2013Age associated variations in human neutrophil and sperm functioningPurandhar, Kaveri; Seshadri, Sriram
111.pdf.jpgJan-2016Age-dependent Expression of Catspers in Human and Mice SpermSeshadri, Sriram; Purandhar, Kaveri; Pareek, Nivedita
117.pdf.jpgJan-2016Age-dependent Expression of Catspers in Human and Mice SpermSeshadri, Sriram; Purandhar, Kaveri; Pareek, Nivedita
77.pdf.jpg15-Feb-2014Determining the reversible potentials of hydro alcoholic extracts of Eclipta alba in boric acid induced male accessory reproductive organ toxicitySeshadri, Sriram; Nair, Pooja; Purandhar, Kaveri; Prajapati, Bhumika; Rajput, Parth; Jena, Prasant Kumar
56.pdf.jpgJul-2012Evaluating the reversal potentials of hydroalcoholic extracts of Eclipta alba in Boric Acid induced male reproductive toxicityNair, Pooja; Vora, Nidhi; Purandhar, Kaveri; Kamle, Vishal; Seshadri, Sriram
2012 Nair et al., 2012 b.pdf.jpg2012Hydroalcoholic Extracts of Ecliptaalba as a Reversal Agent in Boric Acid Induced Male Reproductive ToxicityNair, Pooja; Vora, Nidhi; Purandhar, Kaveri; Kamle, Vshal; Seshadri, Sriram
78.pdf.jpg2014Understanding and Modulating the Toll Like Receptors (TLRs) and NOD Like Receptors (NLRs) Cross Talk in Type 2 DiabetesPrajapati, Bhumika; Jena, Prasant Kumar; Rajput, Parth; Purandhar, Kaveri; Seshadri, Sriram
2014 Purandhar et al 2014.pdf.jpgDec-2014Understanding the Role of Heat Shock Protein Isoforms in Male Fertility, Aging and ApoptosisSeshadri, Sriram; Purandhar, Kaveri; Jena, Prasant Kumar; Prajapati, Bhumika; Rajput, Parth
ST000034.pdf.jpgNov-2015Understanding the role of Toll Like Receptors and Catsper in male reproductive function: An age dependent studyPurandhar, Kaveri