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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
08MECC17.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010Analysis of Slot and Microstrip Radiators backed by Cylindrical CavityTrivedi, Rushit Dipakbhai
08MEC006.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010Automatic RTL generation for IO test SolutionJha, Saurabh
08MECC10.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010Block Floating Point Quantization for RAW and Processed Synthetic Aperture Radar DataMandaliya, Chetan Nalinkant
08MEC012.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010Characterization and Simulation of Second Generation Current ConveyorsPatel, Nileshkumar Kantilal
08MEC002.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010DDR3 Crosstalk Cancellation CircuitDarji, Palak Dineshkumar
08MEC004.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010Design & Simulation of Low Power High Speed CMOS Comparator in Deep Sub-micron TechnologyGandhi, Priyeshkumar Pratapbhai
08MEC011.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010Design and Analysis of Special Purpose Library ApproachPatel, Mitesh D.
08MEC003.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010Design And Implementation Of Advanced ATPG Generating Compressible Test VectorDhare, Vaishali Hitesh
08MECC08.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010Design of Low Noise Ampli er for IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b and Hiperlan using ATF-55143 Low Noise Pseudomorphic HEMTLavadiya, Sunil Prabhatbhai
08MEC001.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010Design, Analysis and Performance based Evaluation of DLL (Delay Locked Loop) in DSM TechnologyBhatt, Khyati Vinaychandra
08MEC013.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010Development and Verification of eDRAM behavioral modelsPatel, Ravikumar Vasudevbhai
08MEC018.pdf.jpg2010Development of Partial Recon guration Controller Based Hardware PlatformVasava, Hirenkumar JesalBhai
08MEC010.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010Development Study of Low Power High Speed Pipeline ADC in Deep Sub-micron TechnologyPatel, Manish Ishwarlal
08MEC019.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010FPGA Veri cation and Performance Enhancement and ImprovementUpadhyay, Sarang H.
08MECC04.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010GSM Transmitter and ReceiverBhavsar, Rishikesh
08MEC007.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010High Speed Low Jitter CMOS Clock Recovery Circuit Design using PLLJoshipura, Himali A.
08MECC05.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010Image Classification TechniquesDomadia, Sunayana Gandalal
08MECC13.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010Image Compression Using Wavelet Transform Based SPIHT Algorithm a nd Performance Analysis by Changing Parameter Simulated with QccPackPatel, Daxesh Bhikhabhai
08MEC020.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010Implementation of Error detecting and Error correcting AlgorithmMalek, Mohammedzuber
08MECC16.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010MAC protocol for WLAN in Cognitive Radio EnvirnmentGadaria, Ronak Harishchandra