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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
09MEC020.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Analysis and Design of Analog to Digital Converter for Ultra Wide Band ApplicationKanodiya, Piyush Vinodbhai
09MEC009.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011An Analysis To Determine The Best Adder Circuit For High Speed Memory BIST (>1.2GHz)Kapadiya, Mayankkumar Chunilal
09MEC014.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Artificial Intelligence Based Test Data Compression TechniquesParmar, Harikrishna
09mec016.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Automated Model Integration and Release Mechanism for Multi-core MicroprocessorsRajput, Sandip U.
09MECC06.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Co-operative Communication : Cross-layer ApproachFichadiya, Vishal Vinodbhai
09MECC18.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Comparative Analysis of Various Cooperative Communication SchemesVasani, Ekta Hitesh
09MEC005.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Design & Characterization of Voltage FollowerBanker, Gaurang P.
09MECC21.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Design & Development of Ultra Wideband AntennasGehani, Aarti Kishor
09MEC017.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Design & Implementation of Mitigation Techniques for Single Event Upset in SRAM FPGASavani, Vijay Gopalbhai
09MECC05.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Design and Implementation of Microstrip Fractal AntennasDholakiya, Hitesh Laxmanbhai
09MEC001.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Design and Implementation of Partial Reconfiguration Based Software Defined Radio on FPGAMecwan, Akash Isudas
09MEC008.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Design And Integration of EMISS SoC Using 65nm TechnologyJani, Parthkumar Girishchandra
09MECC02.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Design and Simulation of Microstrip Patch Array Antenna for Polarization DiversityChakravarti, Dilip D.
09MECC20.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Design of Multiple Resonance Ku-band Microstrip Patch AntennaModh, Kunal Kanaiyalal
09MEC012.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Design of pll and Clock Frequency GenerationThakore, Kruti Pranavkumar
09MECC19.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Design System on Module using MPC8308 ProcessorShah, Jay Satishbhai
09MEC006.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Design,Characterization and Simulation of Advanced Current MirrorShukla, Dhaval S.
09MEC002.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Designing Generic Framework for IP VerificationSahu, Akruti Ashokbhai
09MECC16.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Development and Verification of Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) feature for 10G EthernetMansuri, Sameer Hasanbhai
09MECC15.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Development of AMBA-AXI Verification IP Using SystemVerilog Based MethodologiesGandhani, Priyanka