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Showing results 1 to 20 of 34  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10MECC16.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012Analog Validation Of IP Embedded in SOCPatel, Mihirkumar Mahendrabhai
10MECV02.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012Analysis And Usage Of Formal Equivalence Check On SoCChavan, Vaibhav
10MECC23.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012Automation of Audio and Video Veri cation and Web Based TestingPatel, Dhara Jayantilal
10MECV11.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012Automation of I/O ring design and logic realizationMatholia, Bhaumik
10MECV01.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012Characterization, Design & Simulation of Low Power High Speed CMOS Comparator in Deep Sub-micron TechnologyAmin, Gireeja D.
10MECV27.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012Characterization,Design & simulation of Digital to Analog Converter in Deep-Submicron TechnologySoni, Rajanikant M.
10MECV18.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012Design and Development of Standard cell and eCL libraryVasa, Roopak
10MECC01.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012Design and Optimization of Microstrip Patch Antennas using Artificial Neural NetworksBhagat, Priti Pravinbhai
10MECV28.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2013Design and Simulation of High Speed CMOS OperationalPatel, Snehal Mahendrabhai
10MECC05.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012Design, Development and FPGA Implementation of PSK DemodulatorDobariya, Nidhi Keshavlal
10MECV06.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012Developing a framework for Power Management Validation on Windows 8 OSGopani, Bhavesh
10MECC20.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012Developing Kits for Mask Programmable IPsChelvam, Pamela Rustin Arumaichelvam
10MECC14.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012Development and Validation of VoIP features in PacketCable TechnologySolanki, Ankit Bharatbhai
10MECV29.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012Development of Reliability Aware Intelligent Memory Manager in an SoC (SoC-RAIMM)Khanusiya, Soyeb A.
10MECV20.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012Development of System Level Memory Model for Prabilistics Error Introduction for Reliable Aware Intelligent Memory Management in an SoCSheth, Maulin Biharilal
10MECV16.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012Evaluation and Porting of High Speed Dual Port SRAM Compiler in Submicron TechnologyPatel, Pratik
10MECV17.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012Evaluation of SRAM Compiler in Shrink TechnologyPatel, Sweetu
10MECV25.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012GUI based Die Size Estimation Tool with IO Portfolio Selection SystemPatel, Ashish
10MECV23.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012High Performance and Low Power VLSI Design for SoC ApplicationsPurani, Ashish S.
10MECC04.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012Image Fusion and Segmentation Algorithms for Remote Sensing ApplicationsDhamecha, Hardik M.