Browsing by Subject NT 2016

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16MCEN01.pdf.jpg1-May-2018ACO Based Cost Effcient Strategy for Load Balancing In CloudPranjalee, Daxesh Acharya
16MCEN12.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018Analytics and Solution Platform-Migrating Historical Raw Data to Cloud and Retrieving Data using File Access Service,ETLsPatel, Namrata J
16MCEN08.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018Applying Autonomic Techniques To Cloud Computing For Resource Monitoring And PredictionPandya, Kedar
16MCEN14.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018Authentication and Authorization schemes for Internet of ThingsPatel, Saurabh
16MCEN03.pdf.jpg1-May-2018Capacity Planning Through Software Defined SwitchBhatt, Nishtha
16MCEN09.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018Develop a Cloud Compliant Merchandising InstallerPatel, Drashti
16MCEN04.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018Energy Aware Computing Resource Allocation using PSO in CloudChaudhrani, Vanita Arjun
16MCEN21.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018Enhancing Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Nodes in Heterogeneous EnvironmentKumar, Shankar
16MCEN16.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018Fast Signature generation and verification for NDNSIMRathod, Sachin P.
16MCEN22.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018Image Classification of Wheat seeds using Supervised Learning TechniquesSukhwani, Nisha S.
16MCEN17.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018Intelligent Face Recognition SystemSarsavadia, Riddhi
16MCEN18.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018Multimission Satellite Data Dissemination using IP based MulticastingShah, Arpita
16MCEN15.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018Privilege Adaptive Traffic Management using SDNRevar, Pooja
16MCEN20.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018Proactive Solutions for Achieving Trust in Cloud Computing Using Machine LearningShah, Mrugesh
16MCEN05.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018Pulmonary Lung Classification and Cancer Prediction using Fuzzy Logic and Deep LearningKumbharkar, Vikas Bharat
16MCEN02.pdf.jpg1-May-2018Qoe Aware Routing Protocol for Wireless Multimedia Sensor NetworkBhatt, Harsh
16MCEN06.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018Real Time Transport Reservation SystemMewada, Akshay D.
16MCEN23.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018SDN-based Vehicular Adhoc NetworkTrivedi, Hardik
16MCEN07.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018Software defined network (SDN) based Trafic OptimizationMistri, Hardeek
16MCEN11.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018Vehicle Identification using coordination of CCTV CamerasPatel, Margi