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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ITFIC003-9.pdf.jpg21-Nov-2007ANN Based Design of a Rapid Battery ChargerPatel, Himanshu K.; Jadeja, Rajendra B.
ITFIC003-26.pdf.jpgApr-2015Automatic PID Control Loops Design for Performance Improvement of Cryogenic TurboexpanderJoshi, D. M.; Patel, Himanshu K.; Shah, D. K.
ITFIC003-10.pdf.jpg28-Jan-2005BIMOSFET: An Energy Efficient Alternative for MOSFET in Fly Back ConverterPatel, Himanshu K.; Desai, M. D.
ITFIC003-11.pdf.jpg28-Jan-2005Comparative Analysis of Ferrite Cores and Transformer Core Size Selection for SMPSPatel, Himanshu K.
ITFIC003-12.pdf.jpg27-Mar-2005Competence Comparison of IGBT and MOSFET as Power SwitchPatel, Himanshu K.
ITFIC003-3.pdf.jpg2006Critical Considerations for EMI Filter Design in Switch Mode Power SupplyPatel, Himanshu K.
ITFIC003-6.pdf.jpg9-Jan-2010Data Acquisition System Using ATmega16 Micro-Controller and Process Identification Using MATLABPatel, Himanshu K.; Mehta, Sandip; Kaushik, Rahul; Bohra, Yusuf Ali; Goyal, Tarun
ITFIC003-13.pdf.jpg12-Oct-2008Design and Simulation of Optimum Triggering Scheme for a Series Switch in RF HeatingPatel, Himanshu K.; Thacker, Mauli; Shah, Deep; Shah, Atman
ITFIC003-4.pdf.jpg2008Flyback Power Supply EMI Signature and Suppression TechniquesPatel, Himanshu K.
ITFIC003-14.pdf.jpg26-Jun-2005High Frequency, Multiple output Flyback Transformer Design for TOP-Switch Power SuppliesPatel, Himanshu K.
ITFIC003-15.pdf.jpg5-Jan-2006Hollow Waveguides - Significant Class of Infrared Fibre OpticsPatel, Himanshu K.
ITFIC003-7.pdf.jpg25-Nov-2005Infrared Fiber Optics: A Qualitative ComparisonPatel, Himanshu K.; Desai, M. D.
ITFIC003-16.pdf.jpg25-Nov-2005Leadless, Miniature Silicon On Insulator (SOI) sensors for Extreme EnvironmentsPatel, Himanshu K.
ITFIC003-1.pdf.jpg2006Mathematical Modeling Of Baroreflex Control Mechanism for Stability AnalysisPatel, Himanshu K.; Shah, Atman H.
ITFIC003-17.pdf.jpg4-Nov-2004Modelling and Simulation for Dynamic Performance during a Three-phase Fault at Induction MachinePatel, Himanshu K.; Niranjan Kumar V.
ITFIC003-18.pdf.jpg28-May-2004Modelling and Simulation for Performance Analysis of Induction MachinePatel, Himanshu K.; Niranjan Kumar V.
ITFIC003-19.pdf.jpg15-Oct-2004Modelling of Magnetization Characteristics of Switched Reluctance MotorJadeja, Rajendra B.; Patel, Himanshu K.; Shah, Munjal P.
03MEE020.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2005Multiple Output Flyback Converter with Fluorescent Lamp Driver ApplicationPatel, Himanshu K.
ITFIC003-5.pdf.jpg2006Performance Analysis Of Various Interference Cancellation Schemes in CDMA SystemsPatel, Himanshu K.; Jadeja, Rajendra B.
ITFIC003-20.pdf.jpg27-Mar-2005Power Inductor Selection Criteria for Switched Mode Power SuppliesPatel, Himanshu K.; Patel, U. A.