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Showing results 1 to 20 of 231  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10MEEE09.pdf.jpg1-Jun-20123-Phase Induction Motor Faults'severity Detection Using Fuzzy Logic And On-Line Condition Monitoring Of Faults Using Labview-GuiPatel, Hitesh D.
12MEEE30.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Active Demand Side ManagementYadav, Vinay Kumar
12MEEE19.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Analysis and Design of Distance Protection SchemeMehta, Gaurang Mahendrabhai
14MEEE30.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2016Analysis and Improvement of Incoming Power Quality at Cold Rolling MillThakor, Nishant
19MEEE12.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2021Analysis and Optimal Design of High Efficiency Asymmetrical Half-bridge Flyback ConverterSHUKLA, NISHANT ASHISHBHAI
12MEEE06.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Analysis and Simulation of AC Micro-gridDesai, Harin Mayurbhai
13MEEE19.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Analysis of Network Observability of Phasor Measurement Unit Under Contingency ScenarioDoshi, Purvi
21MEEE07.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2023Analysis of Power Distribution System in MRI & Transformer Design OptimizationShah, Yash Kaushikkumar
14MEEE05.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2016Analysis of Short Circuit Current Contribution for Wind Turbine GeneratorsGohil, Hardikkumar
13MEEE08.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Analysis on Electromagnetic Repulsion force for Enhancement in Repulsion Threshold Current (Irp) of Contact System of 250 A Frame MCCBMehta, Hardik
15MEEE12.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2017Analyzing the Impact of Wind Generation on System FrequencyTripathi, Om
14MEEE14.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2016Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Power System State EstimtionPatel, Kirtan
15MEEE07.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2017Artificial Neural Network based Shunt Active Power FilterGandhi, Neel Dhirenbhai
15MEEE10.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2017Augmentation of Power Distribution PlantKapadia, Dhruv Kamleshkumar
16MEEE19.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018Available Transfer Capacity (ATC) Calculation of a Power Network with RenewablePatel, Smit Kiritbhai
19MEEE04.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2021Benchmarking of State Thermal Power PlantSINGHAL, MANU
13MEEE18.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Biomass-Diesel based Hybrid Electrical Supply System for Small NetworkPatidar, Praful
12MEEE28.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Capacity Enhancement of Short Circuit Laboratory using Parallel Operation of TransformersPurohit, Tejpal
10MEEE10.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2012Charging and Discharging of SupercapacitorPatel, Komal R.
13MEEE21.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Comparison of Artificial Intelligence based Techniques for Short Term Load ForecastingKaul, Richa