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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12MECV34.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Automation of IP Qualification Test Vehicle Verification EnvironmentDoshi, Hardik J.
12MECV14.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Challenges In Subsystem VerificationLahoti, Pravin Kumar Omprakash
12MECV30.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Design & Analysis of SRAM Memory Compiler & its CharacterisationSelani, Yusuf
11MECV51.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Design and Simulation of Low Power Low Noise Analog Front End for Digital Hearing AidPanchal, Dipesh J.
12MECV08.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Design and Verification of DDR IP Memory ControllerGajjar, Sanket
12MECV24.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Design Checks in Front-End Environment [Analysis, Development & Automation]Shah, Rahul A.
12MECV25.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014DFT Simulation and DebugTalati, Deepen
12MECV22.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Effiecent Fe Methodology For Rtl Integration In Large CPU DesignPrajapati, Pinkeshkumar H.
12MECV27.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Electrical Characterization Of Storage Interfaces In ATOM Based SOCsVyas, Udit P.
12MECV32.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Enablement of Optimal and Fast Timing Convergence for High speed I/O DesignsSaifee, Shabbir S.
12MECV36.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Formal Equivalence Verification For Vlsi DesignModi, Navni
12MECV02.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Functional veri cation of Memory controller for LPDDR of 333 MHz using UVMPatel, Alay Gopalbhai
12MECV19.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Headed Gateway System Integration & Full ValidationPanchal, Jaimin N.
12MECV21.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Improvement to Intel's analog Design Verification Flow for 22nm and below DesignPatel, Vivek M.
12MECV03.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Interface Circuit Design for MEMS Based Piezoresistive AccelerometerParashar, Ashish Kumar
12MECV04.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Low Power Design And Verification of Module SolutionBhimani, Vishal S.
12MECV23.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Memory Design and Performance Evaluation of Memory CompilerRanderia, Mayurkumar
12MECV01.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Next Generation Rtl Simulation Technology For Graphics DesignSavalia, Abhishek D.
12MECV09.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Optimization in IO Characterization MethodologyGandhi, Jigar B.
12MECV10.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014PDK (Process Design Kit) Backend ValidationGodhani, Dhaval M.